The Role You Play

What role do we play?  Do we even know?  I often wonder when I see someone act a certain way,” Why?”  What makes them react in that manner.  Was it the way they were brought up?  How they came about to the situation at hand?  I’m sorry, this probably doesn’t make much sense, nor does it have a strong connection to Druidry.  Yet I feel it is necessary to share this thought of mine even if it seems crazy or unrealistic.

This past weekend brought some very interesting things to light within my group of friends.  As per usual in my nature, I was able to quietly watch as it all came together at the very end from the beginning which happen to be a month and a half ago.  Now to me, the idea that I simply sit back and watch events happen has given me a few tools that I used in this little experiment of mine.  For one, it allows me to be completely separated from the event at hand.  This is major to the process simply because the more emotionally invested you are in the situation, the harder it is to watch.  You want to help, to change it for the better, but you can’t.  You shouldn’t.  The sequence of events have already been set since you can see them, you should understand their importance.  I know, harsh right?

The second tool, rather practical in application, lip-reading.  Now I know that phrase has a meaning all its own.  The person is able to understand the words you are saying without hearing them.  Simply understanding by sight.  I can’t do this.  What I call lip-reading is rather silly compared to what it really is.  Apply 200cc of bored expression to your face, two headphones, 100 minutes of dub step and your set.  Why this weird concoction?  The music is loud and the bored expression gives you a disinterested appearance.  To the people talking, they read this as not only are you not listening, but you are also deaf to what they are saying.  This allows the people who are talking to use the rather import voice inflections.  Sadly for them, you are listening.  The music I choose is chosen for two reasons.  One, no words.  The less you have interfering with what is being said, the better.  Two, giant steps in volume.  Dub step is known for “Drops” or drastic changes in volume, rhythm and tempo.  These changes leave gaps in the music which allow you to hear the conversation.  So while you sit there, seemingly “zoned out,” the people you are watching talk on unaware.

So I haven’t really explained why I am telling you this, or why I decided to call this post, “The Role You Play.”  To me, I find myself linking reality to video games quite often.  This weekend, I decided to link it to a job system in a game.  Everyone has a job that they excel at and benefit from in their own way.  To me, I’m an Information Broker and Historian.  Weird right, but think about it.  My entire person tells me to not involve myself in a situation and simply read and remember all I can pertaining the situation at hand.  Then draw on experience I have been in or seen to predetermine a fitting outcome.  That is exactly what I did and to me, it was shocking how much I got out of it.  I knew of the end result of this weekend since two weeks after it started.  Now this started a month and a half ago so for one month I knew the predetermined outcome.  How so?  Mood.  Subtle changes in the moods of one person gave it away.  I watched her for the next four weeks and leading up to this week, and she confirmed the outcome for me vocally last Saturday.  Now this I would usually be happy with, but for some reason I was unsatisfied with how easy it had been.  Lucky for me, she kept it interesting.  Eventually, everyone except two people knew it was happening and to watch how they acted with the unsuspecting parties was amazing.  Subtle hints dropped, plays on words, even changes in posture were all screaming something was wrong, but they never caught on.  It took to sunday before the news was finally given to all and the reaction was beautiful.  Hurt, anger, confusion, denial all warped together in a spectacular finale.  Spectacular finale seems to taste funny.  Why would I find all these negative emotions enjoyable or pleasant?  Well to let you know I don’t find them enjoyable.  It was awful to watch the other party go down in flames, but it had to be done.  If it’s bound to happen, why not enjoy the beautiful destruction.  In my final thoughts I decided that my role was an Information Broker and Historian because to be able to see what will happen, is something that I find extremely interesting and enjoyable.

I’m sorry this had no link to Druidry.

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